Move Over Please (1960)
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Have your tried to eat lunch in the Student Union lately? Rough isn’t it.

The Student Union food facilities are seating more people and doing less business this year than ever before, according to Billy Joe Varney, the Student Union’s director.

The reason is obvious to anyone who walks in the Coop, the cafeteria or Louie’s between the hours of 11:30am and 1:30pm. The cause is inconsideration.

Altogether too many students are lounging or spending leisure time between classes in the Coop and Louie’s during rush hour, and people who try to use the Union’s meal services legitimately are forced to stand and wait for a place to sit.

Students who sit in the Coop or Louie’s and play cards, read or just sit and talk are being inconsiderate to their fellow classmates. At any other time but meal time it is all right to do these things. But to inconvenience so many students at meal time is unfair.

Admittedly, the Student Union doesn’t have any other lounging facilities of any consequence. These are forthcoming and should be ready by next September, but that doesn’t help much now.

Here is an example of how severe the eating situation is: Each year, the Student Union sets up a "snack bar" during lunch hours in the SU Arcade where students can buy sandwiches, drinks and fruit. In the past, this stand has only operated the first few days of school. It has been going three weeks now and still the Union is jam packed at noon.

Varney said he feels hesitant about asking "lounging" students to make room for others wishing to eat, but we don’t feel that way. We are supposed to be mature people who can muster a little consideration.

We just don’t see how anyone can sit and play cards or watch the girls and boys go by when students with trays full of food are wandering around looking for a place to sit.

We realize that this editorial will be read by several who are, at the moment, sitting in the Union doing any number of the things we are protesting.

Will you please move?!