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Mission Statement

The Arizona Student Unions enhances the University community by providing:

  • Inclusive environments where all people are valued for their individual differences through quality programs, dining, retail and support services.
  • Student involvement and leadership development opportunities through employment and volunteer activities that promote learning beyond the classroom.
  • Facilities and programs that foster interaction among the University Community.

The Role of the College Union

Adopted by the Association of College Unions International's general membership in 1996, this statement is based on the "1956 Role of the College Union statement."

"The union is the community center of the college, serving students, faculty, staff, alumni, and guests. By whatever form or name, a college union is an organization offering a variety of programs, activities, services, and facilities that, when taken together, represent a well-considered plan for the community life of the college."

The union is an integral part of the educational mission of the college.

  1. As the center of the college community life, the union complements the academic experience through an extensive variety of cultural, social, and recreational programs. These programs provide the opportunity to balance course work and free time as cooperative factors in education.
  2. The union is a student-centered organization that values participatory decision making.
  3. Through volunteerism, its boards, committees, and student employment, the union offers first hand experience in citizenship and educates students in leadership, social responsibility, and values.
  4. In all its processes, the union encourages self-directed activity, giving maximum opportunity for self-realization and for growth in individual, social competency and group effectiveness. The union's goal is the development of persons as well as intellects. Traditionally considered the "hearthstone" or "living room" of the campus, today's unions are gathering places of the college. The unions provide services and conveniences that members of the college community need in their daily lives and creates an environment for getting to know and understand others through formal and informal associations. The unions serve as unifying forces that honors each individual and values diversity. The unions foster a sense of community that cultivates enduring loyalty to the college.