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Sustainability at The Unions

Green Thumbs' Mission

The Student Union Sustainability Committee is a team of employees dedicated to researching and implementing progressive sustainable initiatives within the Student Unions. The committee will strive to provide a model of environmental accountability and sustainability for the University of Arizona students and staff that interact in the Union environment.


The committee was founded in April 2008, and currently has 15 members. The Student Unions comprise four divisions (Dining Services, Building Operations, Retail & Business Affairs, and CSIL), and each division has representatives on our team. What is special about these individuals is they are decisions makers for their units, and they have the power to influence and implement sustainable strategies. Further, we also have a representative each from ASUA, Residence Life, the Student Union Advisory Council, and YOUnion Aid. The involvement and perspective of these groups allow us to stay in step with the larger campus community.

Our committee meets twice a month, and we use the time to collaborate on ideas, share current events, and delegate tasks. Meetings are not open to the public.

Our "Greener Unions" logo was created in December 2008, and we began calling ourselves "Green Thumbs" in February 2009. Also during that month, this web site was officially launched.

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Tips for being green
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