Schedule a walking tour with us! Available August 19-23, 2024. Click here to schedule

Campus Use/Mall Activity Request Form

To inquire on event space and for further information, please contact Cheryl Plummer at (520) 626-2630 or via email at

Click on Campus Use Activity Request Form to fill out your event request. UA WebAuth is required to log into the website.


  • UA WebAuth is required to log into the website.
  • You must submit a separate form for each individual event:
    1. For example: weekly tabling – you need to complete a form for EACH day requested.
  • Please know that your 'preferred location' is not guaranteed and will depend on space available.
  • If you have a multi-day event during the same week, you only need to fill out one form:
    1. For example: Family Weekend Oct. 5 – 7 will be on one form.
  • If you are a student organization, your advisor will be emailed the event form to sign and return. Your event will not be processed without your advisors’ signature. It is the club's responsibility to follow up with the advisor to ensure signature.
  • As a department, college or student organization, if you sponsor a Non-UA sponsored organization/business, your representative from that organization/business will be emailed the event form to sign and return. The event will not be processed without signature. It is the responsibility of the UA department, college or student organization to ensure a signature.
  • At the end of the form, please upload any additional documents: maps, diagram layouts, event schedules, insurance forms or additional event details.
  • Once your event is confirmed, you will receive an event approval email, which will include any location changes. Please be prepared to show the event approval email at your event location.